The trade fair and communication construction business is a very manpower-intensive sector. It thrives on highly qualified and motivated employees. Therefore, the slogan of atelier damböck of viewing continuous and further education as the basis of a successful future is that much more meaningful.
A slogan that is actively applied within the modern company: Since 1985, atelier damböck has had apprentice trainees and, during this time, has successfully prepared many trade fair specialists for the future.
Vocational training is something that is near and dear to atelier damböck. Apart from our active involvement in the training committee of the FAMAB, we also supply lecturers and assistant professors to teach in different training institutes. This includes the DHBW Ravensburg, which is regarded as the most important specialist training establishment.
In the area of interior design, we are able to offer course-related internships and graduate roles for the departments based in Munich, Coburg and Rosenheim. atelier damböck also provides training in several skilled occupations.